Friday, February 20, 2015

Hidden Secrets

        Usually when someone says there is a whole world out there! They figuratively mean that there many things to discover in the world. However when it comes to hydrothermal vents. It is basically a whole world out there. Or I should say under there, because under our oceans lie an ecosystem teeming with many different organisms. This is the handy work of Hydro Thermal vents, Under ground hot spring located along the Mid- Atlantic Ridge, the longest chain of volcanoes in the world, which runs from the Gakkel Ridge south of the North Pole to Bouvet Triple Junction. These thermal vents are constantly Spewing out magma and large amounts of rich minerals like Sulfur, Copper, and Iron. Among these minerals many others have been discovered to be the providers for items such as LED lights and Fiber Cables.
More importantly, This has been the cause for the life of these organisms down below. Now you may stop and say to your self, 
            "I don't remember the last time living organisms lived off of sulfur and without sunlight."
However, this is precisely what these organisms, some almost eight feet tall do. The process is called Chemosynthesis. This is where these various living organisms convert Sulfur and Hydrogen into energy and in turn for food. This has been the foundation of which these organisms have thrived and now there three times more of these living organisms than there are on earth. Now for all those who have been worried about a zombie apocalypse, this right here is what you need to be worrying about!

To learn more about how Hydrothermal Vents function, visit this link .

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